Board Members
President, Vacant
Janice Barsun, Board Member

In 2012, I retired as a social worker and teacher .. moved to San Antonio.  After hearing about FCA MANY times, I finally joined in 2015.  A year later I joined the Board .. as a Director, then Treasurer, and currently Vice-President.  One of my greatest pleasures as an FCA volunteer is giving presentations to groups (no matter the size), informing folks of our membership benefits. Helping provide telephone coverage for our Alliance, also allows me to answer questions and discover other ways we can spread the word about FCA.  It makes me quite sad to see how much some people end up paying for a funeral when I know there is a better way.

Linda Espino, Treasurer

In April 2010, a good friend of my husband told us about FCA.  We investigated and, sure enough, all the good things he talked about were true!  We joined that month.  Of course, we had no idea that in 2015 we would be relieved to have an FCA membership for my husband’s arrangements .. and a few months later, for my mother as well.   In 2020 I joined the Board as a Director and in 2021 as Treasurer.  It truly is a privilege to volunteer for this organization. My own end-of-life planning experiences convince me that FCA is THE place to belong .. such a low-cost membership compared to the thousands of dollars potentially saved on funeral expenses.

Georgia Snodgrass, Secretary

My parents joined FCA in 2002 a couple of years after moving to Texas. After watching a neighbor go through a horrendous financial output for the burial of her spouse, Mom saw a notice in the TREA Bulletin for FCA. She made inquiries with the then President & decided it was the way to go. She let me know that they had this plan & how things were to be handled with their passing. Fast forward to 2012. My Dad was on hospice for about 6 months. When we knew the time for his passing was near, we went to Funeral Caring USA on Bandera, presented his membership card. Everything was as outlined in the information Mom had been given back in 2002, with only minor increases for inflation. My parents never wanted anything elaborate that would put a financial burden on them of any their children. I was so impressed with how Funeral Caring handled everything as well as the huge savings to my parents, I decided that I wanted to join as well. So, I joined in July 2012.

After working on the arrangements for Dad’s funeral I wanted to get the word out to people about this program but didn’t really know how I could serve. I received a copy of the Fall 2020 Choices Newsletter in which they were asking for volunteers to serve on the Board. “I am a volunteer/joiner”. I felt sure that if I was accepted as a board member, this would be my opportunity to serve & get the word out. I have been the Secretary for the past couple of years. I also help the Vice President when she goes out to make presentations in the community. I also have the opportunity from time to time to assist with the telephone duties, which gives me an opportunity to work with families who may have an immediate need or just get the word out generally about not having to spend a lot on your end-of-life planning.

In June 2021 my mom passed away. Funeral Caring USA once again came through just as I expected. We had a beautiful sendoff for Mom without having to put a burden on the family. This is what I hope for everyone I work with as a part of FCA. There is no greater joy to me than knowing I helped make this process easier & less painful for someone.

Vice President, Vacant
Keith Fox, Board Member

I retired in 2000 after 40 years as a Lutheran minister in Texas. I served as a pastor, hospital chaplain and family counselor. We joined FCA years ago because it offered varied and sensible options for end of life planning. As a board member I continue to assist in getting the word out to family, friends and our community.

J. Sean Habina, Board Member

My name is Joyce F “Sean” Habina. My motto is, “If it happens in San Antonio, I will be there serving and helping out.” I have had a very long, active career in the military and military-associated organizations. Volunteering for military organizations, conferences, civil organizations and cultural activities has been most significant in my growth as a community leader and volunteer. I joined Funeral Consumers Alliance in November 2009 and have served on the board for a significant portion of that time. The work that FCA does to help families with end-of-life planning and issues gives me even more opportunity to work with and give back to our community.

Susan Hartley, Board Member

I joined FCA 12 years ago while taking my mother to the annual meeting due to her needing a ride. I remember asking her “So what is this FCA all about?” I ended up staying for the annual meeting and remember telling my sister all about it when I left. I joined right after. I was beyond impressed with the work FCASATX has done over the many years and the amazing board members who donate their time to make it all happen. I felt led to not only become a member, but to join the board.

My husband and I have used Funeral Caring 3 times now after losing both my parents and his father…all 3 of which were members. The experience each time was beyond impressive. Funeral Caring professional, caring, and treated us with the utmost respect. I am so thankful for Funeral Caring’s willingness to participate with FCASATX. That’s why I felt led to join the board…to help educate others on the benefits of the FCA membership and to ensure our community has the knowledge necessary to make sound funeral planning decisions when that time comes, alleviating a potential financial hardship.

Board member, Vacant